Over the past decade, Pennsylvania has increased education spending by 51 percent, now spending about $20,900 per student. Despite this, fourth-grade reading scores have steadily dropped, showing that more money isn’t fixing the problem. This should concern everyone who cares about our kids’ future.
I believe we need to rethink how we teach reading and focus on what actually works. Research shows that structured literacy — teaching phonics, vocabulary and comprehension systematically— helps kids become strong readers. But many of our schools aren’t using these proven methods.
Since 2013, Pennsylvania’s reading scores have fallen by nearly 15 points on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), even as spending outpaced inflation. Reading is the foundation for all learning. When students struggle to read, their ability to excel in math, science and social studies is also compromised.
Here’s how we can turn things around:
· Train Teachers: Make sure all teachers are trained in the science of reading and structured literacy practices.
· Literacy Coaches/Trainers: Make a team of coaches and trainers available to every school in the state.
· Early Screening: Screen kids in kindergarten through second grade to catch reading struggles early and provide targeted help.
· Transparency: Require schools to report reading proficiency by grade level so parents and communities know where things stand.
· Smart Spending: Use education dollars on programs and materials proven to boost reading skills, like phonics-based curricula.
Some say this approach is too rigid, but the current system clearly isn’t working. Declining scores show we need a consistent, evidence-based approach to teaching reading. This isn’t about politics — it’s about giving every child the tools to succeed.
Let’s stop focusing on how much we’re spending and start focusing on results. By prioritizing early literacy, we can set Pennsylvania’s kids up for success. They deserve nothing less.