Shortly after the first Election 2024 presidential debate between incumbent Democrat President Joe Biden and Republican former President Donald Trump, politicians and pundits from both parties in Delaware Valley were commenting on the event.

Here are some of their reactions:


Pa. Republican U.S. Senate candidate Dave McCormick:

“President Biden seems to forget the fallen soldiers who died during his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan – a terrible day for America. … This is just hard to watch as an American. I don’t know how anyone can watch this and continue to think Joe Biden is fit for office.”


“President Trump showed energy and remained focused on two issues: the open border and comparing their two records on the economy and the wars around the world. And, he was disciplined—especially by 2020 standards. President Biden had a few strong moments or lines; but overall, his voice was weak, his eyes glazed and his focus was lacking and that will be what voters take away. The needle will move a few clicks to Trump,” said political commentator Guy Ciarrocchi.


“It’s impression that President Biden was on point and competent in his answers, yet his age was apparent. Donald Trump was emphatic but was saying things that we know are just not true. Given what we saw tonight, do we, can we, of a democratic republic survive another Trump term,” said Joe Foster, Democratic state committeeman from Montgomery County.


David Urban, CNN commentator and former chief of staff for the late Sen. Arlen Spector, said Biden’s performance would affect the U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania:

“Bob Casey — I promise you tonight in the state of Pennsylvania — is throwing up in his mouth because he knows that if he’s got to stand next to Joe Biden, he’s going down in Pennsylvania.”


Chester County Democratic Committee Chair Charlotte Valyo said that Biden gave facts, while Trump didn’t:

“President Biden answered the questions and supported his answers with facts and plans for the future while former President Donald Trump, made the clear choice to avoid answering the questions or made unsubstantiated claims and accusations against President Biden. The truth matters and former President Trump offered only untruthful bombastic rhetoric and a doomsday picture of our country. Perhaps the most troubling moment was the former President once again refusing to accept the results of the election. Our country is in a better place than we were 3 years ago at the end of the former President’s term. Fact checkers will be up all night tallying the number of lies put forth by the former President.”


Bucks County GOP chair Pat Poprik issued the following response:

“After watching the debate, I think viewers could clearly see that President Trump has a better command of the issues and what’s going on in our country. President Biden continues to show his confusion and his problems with maintaining his train of thought. I think it’s very clear to America that we will be better served with President Trump running our country.”


Philadelphia-based DNC National Finance Committee member Lindy Li vehemently defended Biden on social media:

“A president with a cold will ALWAYS be better than a convicted felon. A president with a sore throat will ALWAYS be better than a rapist. A president who lost his voice will ALWAYS be better than a psycho. A president who speaks the truth will ALWAYS be better than a BULLS****ER.”


“Biden just thanked “North Carolina,” the debate was in Georgia…” posted UPenn graduate and Jewish activist Eyal Yakoby on social media. “This is sad to watch for both Biden and the country. Need a new nominee.”


Montgomery County GOP Chair Christian Nascimento  said that Democrats were in for a long night: “The phone lines at the DNC must be burning up to find an alternative candidate as Democrats realize that depth of the disaster that this debate was for Biden.  The contrast between Trump and Biden was sharp, and likely irreversible in the minds of voters.”


Biden for President Pennsylvania Deputy Campaign Manager and Montgomery County resident Kunal Atit was upbeat on the debate:

“Joe Biden won on the debate stage tonight and Pennsylvanians across the state were there to watch and are charged up to save our democracy.”


“Biden Advisors: ‘See that fire? Pour some gas on it!’” said Commonwealth Foundation Senior Vice President Erik Telford after reports surfaced that Vice President Kamala Harris would do damage control after the debate.


“The difference between President Biden and Donald Trump could not be more clear,” wrote the Pennsylvania Democratic Party on social media. “Joe Biden is the candidate who will protect our fundamental rights and freedoms.”


The Upper Providence Township GOP issued a statement just after the debate ended:

“Important to remember that this performance by President Biden included him being fed questions, having his exact debate specifications being given to him, and preparing for a week. The choice is clear.”


“I went to a debate and Grumpy Old Men broke out,” quipped DelVal conservative columnist Christine Flowers.