WITSEN: Bucks County Commissioner Ellis-Marseglia Should Resign

Democrat commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia started a firestorm last week that has turned the eyes of the entire country, including U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton and the entire Washington Post Editorial Board, to Bucks County.
In a now-viral moment posted to X by the Bucks County GOP, and shared by the likes of Elon Musk, Commissioner Marseglia motioned to accept ballots in defiance of recent Pennsylvania Supreme Court rulings.
While Bucks is not the only Democrat-led county to ignore the state Supreme Court in seeming attempt to help Democrat Sen. Bob Casey (who previously endorsed Marseglia in her 2023 election) retain his seat, the downright hubris in her comments at the November commissioners’ meeting is the reason for her current notoriety. (It is worth noting that Marseglia’s campaign committee donated to Bob Casey’s campaign this year.)
In her rationale for ignoring the rulings of the Democrat majority Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Marseglia stated, “I think we all know that precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country. People violate laws anytime they want. So, for me, if I violate this law, it’s because I want a court to pay attention. There’s nothing more important than counting votes.”
She did not display this same level of concern for counting all votes in October, when Bucks County turned away voters in line for on-demand mail-in ballots well before the deadline, and was forced to extend the on-demand mail-in ballot deadline by a Bucks County judge.
Her tenure as both commissioner and member of the board of elections was marred by additional lies in October, when reports of individuals with seemingly official election lanyards, that were not county employees, was brought up in a commissioners’ meeting in October. Marseglia immediately pointed the finger at Republicans, stating “they weren’t from the Democratic Party,” and alleging they were Republicans, absent any evidence.
As it turned out, the badges seemed to have the words “paid for by the Pennsylvania Democratic Party,” directly printed on them. Marseglia was wrong again, and faced no repercussions.
Marseglia’s open disrespect of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s authority to rule on election laws is a stain on election integrity for Bucks County. Nobody is above the law, including Commissioner Marseglia.
How can Bucks County voters have any trust in their elections when their commissioner, who is also a member of the board of elections, openly ignores the rule of law that exists to protect the integrity of our elections?
Marseglia’s carelessness has made Bucks County the epicenter of election denial. For her part, she should resign and apologize to the people of Bucks County.