Chester County GOP Participates in Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
From a press release
The Republican Committee of Chester County marked the annual MLK Day of Service by participating in various events. Members contributed to the annual food drives sponsored by St. Paul’s Baptist Church and Community Partners in West Chester as well as the Chester County Food Bank in Exton.
The national day of service theme is “A Day On, Not A Day Off.” Many have committed to a day of service through volunteerism in Chester County.
Dr. King remarked “Everybody can be great; because anybody can serve…” There are various ways to recognize the day of service from food drives, to volunteerism, to education which promote the ideals of Dr. King.
“We are fortunate in Chester County to have so many opportunities to serve our community” said David Sommers, a Republican candidate for Chester County commissioner, while attending the hiring and employment skills event hosted by Charles A. Melton Center.