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Residents Seek to Limit Flags on Towamencin Township Property

At their Wednesday meeting, the Towamencin Township supervisors did not discuss or have a proposal to fly an LGBTQ flag on the township’s flagpole on their agenda–for now.

Supervisor Kofi Osei told DVJournal, “We tabled the flag discussion at the Feb. 28 meeting so our solicitor could do some research on flag ordinances. There are no flag ordinance proposals, LGBTQ or otherwise, that are before the board. Since our last agenda item was for a discussion, I want to wait until a meeting with a proposal to make my opinion public.”

However, a group of concerned residents hope to limit which flags township officials are permitted to fly on Towamencin property.

The group is following a process under the recently adopted Home Rule charter to limit the flags that can be flown. They would be limited to the U.S. flag, the state flag, and the township flag.

“We feel that flags within the township symbolize unity among all residents and deserve to be regarded as emblems of respect and honor,” said Shannon Main. “Permitting the display of flags for particular groups or beliefs may result in a surge of requests, diluting the intended symbolism and potentially opening the township to discrimination against other groups. It is our contention that a blanket refusal of all other flags would prevent such discrimination.”

The group needs to gather signatures of 15 percent of the township’s registered voters by April 10. Then, the Board of Supervisors would take up an ordinance for discussion and a vote.

“We feel that the flags flying over the township are there because they are flags that all residents honor,” said Nancy Becker, another resident. “Flying a flag other than the U.S. flag, the county flag, the commonwealth flag, and the township flag may cause some residents issues. Flying flags or branches of military service might be the only exception. Our service men and women have served our country and deserve the honor.

“Allowing one group to fly a flag (LGBTQ) would open the township to requests from other groups that may be offensive to township residents.  These groups include the following flags, but are not limited to, the Trump flag, MAGA flag, Ukraine flag, Israel flag, Palestine flag, Iran flag, Afghanistan flag, French flag, etc.,” said Becker.

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