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ALTIERI: Jan. 16 Special Election a Loser for North Penn Community

I have often referred to the North Penn School District Board of Directors as a political monopoly because its reckless decisions go unchecked. Case in point, six years of absolute control has manifested into four dissenting votes.

On January 16, this monopoly will continue to play “D.C. Style Politics” by providing the community with what it calls OPTION 1 or OPTION 2. Ask yourself this question: How can elected officials claim to provide their community members with options when they have consistently provided the taxpayer with their opinions on how the taxpayer should vote?

This unchecked political monopoly, which has lost my trust due to its actions, is now responsible for a sorely needed “Once-in-a-lifetime high school renovation” that will impact our community and its most precious resource – our children for decades.

Here are some examples … and some conflicts of interest that are undeniable.

The NPSD BODs has accepted thousands of dollars of political donations from the same architect – The Schrader Group, which provided the only bid for what is soon to be a high school renovation project that, regardless of option, will cost the community a minimum of hundreds of millions, of your tax dollars.

The NPSD BODs hired D’Huy Engineering as the construction manager for the High School renovation project. The BODs hired a “referendum consultant/specialist” employed by the same D’Huy Engineering. Ask yourself this question … why not hire a consultant with no vested interest in providing a recommendation? My answer is simple: hiring anyone outside their “circle of trust” is not how monopolies remain intact.

Now, allow me to get to the real point as to why political monopolies are so ineffective and dangerous.

The NPSD BODs has told the public board meeting after meeting that high school renovations are needed only to spend millions of dollars on Crawford Stadium and a health care clinic before addressing this “once in a lifetime project.” This political monopoly then sells this concept to the community by showing pictures of deteriorating electrical units (keep in mind that they allowed this to happen), cramped spaces, and testimonials from students who want a brand new school while also providing its opinion why the 9th graders must be moved to the high school.

Then, using the one architectural bid provided, it “sells” the community that an “open-air design” is necessary to foster “better academics.” Are they serious? A few months ago, taxpayers were told by a BOD that the undeniable decline in academics at North Penn was due to “algorithms with the data!” I believe the root cause of the undeniable decline in academics is failed policies and the simple fact that educators need more people to support them instead of more politically driven administrators who report on them.

But truth be told, the BODs never needed to convince the community that renovations were needed. While I share the same opinion that the 9th graders should be included in the high school … the community should be outraged that this ignominious BODs has put the interests of our students, athletes, and educators out to vote on January 16 because they want “open spaces.”

While this BODs, its superintendent, and its CFO have repeatedly stated that “You (the taxpayer) have the choice” in voting Option 1 or Option 2 and that they want the community to be “involved,” – it is my opinion that how this BODs took to get to this “once in a lifetime” renovation is filled with either unethical motives or terrible leadership.

Candidly, it doesn’t matter how I vote on January 16 because Option 1 will pass for the same reason why I was defeated on November 7 when I attempted to break up this monopoly. The NPSD political monopoly is funded by its contractors and the mighty teachers’ union that endorses candidates regardless of what results or decisions they make for our students and the community.

Lastly, it is also my opinion that this “special election” is a waste of taxpayer money, but if you follow the money, you will eventually get to the truth.