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Shapiro Rallies Bucks County Democratic Faithful on Election Day

Gov. Josh Shapiro visited Bucks County Tuesday morning to rally the Democratic Party troops on Election Day.

About 30 people, mostly party faithful and candidates, packed the conference room in state Sen. Steve Santarsiero’s Newtown office to hear Shapiro speak. Santarsiero is chair of the Bucks County Democratic Committee.

Shapiro urged them to get people to vote because of the importance of the state Supreme Court race, which pits Montgomery County President Judge Carolyn Carluccio, the Republican, against Superior Court Judge Dan McCaffrey, the Democrat.

“What we want in a justice is someone who cares very deeply about the law, who cares deeply about protecting our fundamental freedoms, and Justice Dan McCaffrey is going to do that,” said Shapiro. “And Bucks County can be the difference maker in that election. Take it from me. I’ve seen the difference Bucks County can make. Are we ready to make the difference?”

The group cheered in response.

Shapiro said he was happy to “be here in my second home” with his friend, Santarsiero. He introduced Bucks County Commissioners Bob Harvie and Diane Ellis-Marseglia, who are seeking a second term. They are running against Republican incumbent Gene DiGirolamo, who is also running for a second term, and Controller Pam Van Blunk.

Shapiro called Harvie and Marseglia “the team who not only knows how to win an election but knows how to govern all people of Bucks County, no matter what you look like, where you come from or who you love or who you pray to.”

Harvie thanked all the candidates and staffers who were helping them.

“Keep knocking on those doors, keep making phone calls, keep texting, keep annoying your friends and family,” he said. “We’re honored to be doing the work the governor has talked about to make this county better. We appreciate his help and support.”

Marseglia said she had run for office before but “never had the honor of the governor coming here. That shows how important this is.”

Shapiro then posed for pictures with various candidates.

Pat Poprik, Bucks County Republican chair, wasn’t worried about Shapiro’s visit to her political backyard.

“The voters in Bucks County are much more in tune with what’s happening in their local community and care about their local governments and are not going to be swayed by the visit from a governor or any other elected official.”

“I think they’re worried,” said Charlie Gerow, a Republican consultant and CEO of Quantum Communications, about the Bucks Democrats. “Bringing Shapiro in on Election Day falls squarely in the ‘too little, too late’ category, though.”

Bucks County might be described as purple. While Democrats control the county commissioners board 2-1, the county is represented in Congress by Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R).

“Bucks County is the suburban county most likely to flip today,” said Christopher Nicholas, president of Eagle Consulting Group. “The voter registration and performance are basically even-steven.”

Before he left Santarsiero’s office, the DVJournal asked Shapiro about his support for Harvie, given that there is an investigation into corruption in Falls Township and that Harvie had been called before a federal grand jury to testify. Harvie is the former long-time chairman of the Falls Township Board of Supervisors. Previously, Harvie denied that he was the target of a federal investigation.

“I don’t know anything about it,” said Shapiro. However, reports have said the state Attorney General’s Office was also involved in the multi-year investigation. Shapiro served as attorney general before he was elected governor last year.