Who says you need elves to make Santa’s Christmas toys? At one local high school, the elves got their tools off the shelf and got to work for local kids.

Members of two Manufacturing and Engineering Technology classes taught by Nicholas Pompei at Hatboro-Horsham built games for Toys for Tots. The first period made nine sets of ring toss games and the second-period class made 15 ring toss games.


At Delaware Valley Journal, we’re looking for more kids (18 and younger) like these Hatboro-Horsham students who are volunteering with charities, church groups, Scout troops, etc. — or just putting the Christmas spirit into action all on their own! Send us a photo of your favorite Santa’s helper in action, and information about the charity they’re supporting, and you might just see it featured at DVJournal.


PLUS: We’ll pick one of the highlighted charities and make our own $1,000 donation to the cause!


Just send your photo (with names and ages) of the kids you spot helping others — ringing the Salvation Army bell, collecting for Toys for Tots, working at a local food bank, whatever! — and email it to DVJEditor@Insidesources.com.

If possible, please include a link to the charity’s website, too, so we can encourage others to support the cause.