(For an alternate point of view, see, “Counterpoint: Politicians Should Focus on Issues, not Gothca Moments”)

Watching the coup going on in the Democrat Party these last two weeks, unseating Joe Biden and installing Kamala Harris with middle-of-the-night phone calls and agreements, sleight of hand to keep campaign money intact and every day a new development as they skirt the ever-more vague rules and seem to think that the world is not going to notice that Democrats have had no say in their new candidate for president.

Just a few months ago, they were assured that Biden was cognitively and physically capable enough to continue for another four years. Then, all of a sudden, he’s not.

And that the voters will not realize that she takes no responsibility for a failed  three and a half years, which has practically destroyed the country, and that this cognitively impaired president is still in the White House. And that we won’t notice or care that Harris was complicit in it all.

Having had the honor of representing Bucks County at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee last month as one of our three elected delegates, I’m noticing the glaring differences between the Republicans’ and the Democrats’ political process.

How did we do it? The RNC, which followed an above-board and honest process, was a sparkling, electric, loud, proud, joyous, patriotic event with the absolute “who’s who” in Republican politics and supporters who spoke about and modeled our RNC focus as we rolled out the GOP platform to take this country back and frankly save it. Four full days of speakers and experiences, one after the other – at the Pennsylvania delegation’s private breakfasts or in the arena each evening.

Donald Trump received enough votes throughout the months-long primary process to ensure he received the delegates he needed to be our nominee. We then pledged each state’s delegates to him. Nikki Haley, his challenger, pledged support and her delegates to him. Trump then selected JD Vance as his running mate.

Those procedures were closely followed, and the Republican voters can rely on them.

Seeing Vance in Philadelphia, himself a child of addiction, as he came to provide comfort and hope to area families who have lost children in the fentanyl crisis that is destroying the city under Democrat mismanagement and negligence brought to mind Harris, the “Border Czar” though she’s distancing herself from that title as she has yet to visit the border, had laughed about it,  and has overseen an invasion of an estimated 8 million people from 175 countries with an estimated 100 individuals let in from the terror watchlist while we’re losing Americans to crime and fentanyl. We’re losing our children.

Harris has been “basement campaigning.” As of this writing, she still has not held a press conference, but Vance showed up and invited unplanned questions from the press. He knocked it out of the park. No preparation. Just experience and truth.

I was proud to be an American and proud to be a Republican. And proud of Vance: Veteran. Senator. Dad. Husband. American.

Across the city, a few hours later, Harris announced Gov. Tim Walz as her nominee. Just as questionable as her sudden replacement of Biden via social media after he won his primaries and the delegates that no one else challenged him for. Isn’t it strange that she would pick Philadelphia as the location for this? What an odd location for the pair of California and Minnesota Leftists.

My bet is that, she had indeed chosen Gov. Josh Shapiro in this critically important swing state, but at the last minute, she decided against him because of antisemitic factions in her party.  She needed someone who wouldn’t mind being in her cackling shadow. Then, with Vance already scheduled to be here, she needed to keep her Philadelphia location.  He showed up and showed her up in more ways than one.

Republicans and Democrats are not the same.

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