The Republican National Committee and the Pennsylvania GOP are launching a major push to get their voters to send in their ballots early, something Republican voters have been reluctant to do.
“The Republican Party of Pennsylvania’s partnership with the RNC is stronger than ever. We are thrilled to launch Pennsylvania Bank Your Vote together to ensure that Keystone State Republicans maximize every legal voting method to secure victories up and down the ballot in 2023 and 2024,” said Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Lawrence Tabas.
Ahead of 2024, the Bank Your Vote operation is leveraging the full infrastructure of the RNC, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania, and our historic investments in our data-driven ground game to encourage, educate, and activate Republican voters on when, where, and how to lock in their votes as early as possible.
In addition to staff and our statewide volunteer network, Pennsylvania will have a state-specific voter resource page at, which will include important dates, pre-Election Day voting processes, links to state government sites where voters can learn more about voting early, and options for voters to sign up to receive digital reminders for pre-Election Day voting options.
“To beat Joe Biden and Pennsylvania Democrats like Bob Casey in 2024, we must ensure that Republicans bank as many pre-Election Day votes as possible. The RNC is proud to work with Republican leaders across the state to encourage voters to Bank Your Vote and deliver Republican victories up and down the ballot next November,” said RNC Chairman Ronna McDaniel.
One Republican who, polls show, will need all the help he can get is GOP U.S. Senate candidate Dave McCormick. Ousting a three-term incumbent like Casey is never easy, and that’s the job he’ll have if he’s the GOP nominee.
“The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania needs battle-tested leaders at the local, state and federal level to get our country back on track,” McCormick said. “Together with the RNC and the PAGOP, we will ensure that Pennsylvania voters know how to express their right to vote early so that we can end the weak and failed leadership of Bob Casey and Joe Building on our absentee return rate, early in-person voting, and ballot harvesting success in 2022, Republicans must now improve on our overall number of pre-Election Day voters to ultimately secure victory in 2024.
“A crucial part of getting Republican voters to become pre-Election Day voters will be ensuring voter confidence in Pennsylvania’s elections through our continued Protect Your Vote efforts. In 2022, we had over 5,000 Poll Watcher shifts and over 600 Election Judge and Inspector (poll worker) shifts across the commonwealth in the midterm election.”
Republican state treasurer Stacy Garrity is also on board.
“Pennsylvanians cannot afford four more years of Joe Biden. That’s why I’m partnering with the RNC and PAGOP on ‘Bank Your Vote’ to inform and equip Republicans on when, where, and how to ‘bank’ their vote before Election Day.”