Thursday morning, four protesters — two men and two women — barged into three Trump for President campaign offices across the Delaware Valley, ranting about climate change.

It’s believed the same group of four forced their way into Trump campaign offices in Media, Philadelphia, and Newtown, a person familiar with the situation told DVJournal. Police reports were filed in all three instances. The source believes security camera images will identify the individuals who trespassed inside the Trump campaign offices.

The protesters demanded campaign workers tell former President Donald Trump to take climate change seriously, saying the recent hurricanes were proof, the source said.

No one was injured, and the property was not damaged.

Once inside the Delaware County GOP headquarters, they harassed and intimidated two female volunteers who were working in the Trump campaign office on the second floor.

The two women were cornered by the four intruders, who aggressively chanted in their faces, videoed them with their cell phones and refused to leave despite being told repeatedly to go.

The women, shaken and in tears, felt unable to leave themselves.

The intimidation continued until Upper Chichester GOP leader Dave Bartholf, an office tenant, heard the noise and came to see what was happening.

He got the protesters to leave that Trump office.

The volunteers called the police, who arrived shortly after the protesters left.

“This is a sad day for civil discourse in Delaware County politics,” said Media GOP Chairman Michael Straw. “Is this what tolerance, justice, and compassion look like—bullying two women into tears?

“This type of harassment, descent into threats or intimidation, ought to have no place in our community. We condemn it in the strongest terms and call on our friends across the aisle to do the same.”

The Delaware County GOP is “committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of [its] volunteers and staff and will continue with local authorities to ensure that incidents like this do not happen again.”

It has also secured the building.

“The organization will not be deterred from its mission to uphold a free, fair and civil democratic process.”

It urged “fellow Republicans” to pick up yard signs and candidate’s brochures and vote.

“Victory will be our answer to these despicable tactics,” said Straw.

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