Perhaps more famous for inspiring social media memes than for writing legislation, Democratic New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) — aka “AOC” — endorsed Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman Wednesday.

On her Instagram account, where else?

Along with a clip of her star turn on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” where she touted the Green New Deal, ending the filibuster and packing the Supreme Court, AOC wrote this underneath: “We are not powerless, and we are never beyond hope. History shows us the way. We can do more to pursue these items more aggressively. And then once we do, we can secure the W and turn out the vote for @JohnFetterman in PA…this November: Expansion of SCOTUS; End the Senate filibuster; Repeal the Hyde amendment; Codify Roe, same-sex marriage, right to contraception and interracial marriage. Thanks for having me @colbertlateshow”

Fetterman’s campaign did not responded to avrequest for comment concerning AOC’s endorsement.

His Republican opponent, Dr. Mehmet Oz, tweeted: DC Socialist Dream Team playbook: Anti-PA energy, Job killing policies, Radical socialists. Fetterman and AOC might be a match made in heaven, but their policies are wrong for PA.

However, earlier this month the National Republican Senatorial Committee ran commercials linking Fetterman to Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist who ran for president as a Democrat.

The contest between Lt. Governor Fetterman and celebrity heart surgeon Dr. Oz has drawn national attention, particularly with the Senate split 50/50. While many believe the 2022 midterms will bring a Red Wave sweeping Congress comparable to the 2010 midterms, it remains to be seen whether notoriously purple Pennsylvania will follow that pattern.

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